Explanation about some special keys ---------
➡️ shift (↑) - This key is used to print the upper symbol of any key and also capitalization of any lower case character.
➡️ ctrl (∧) - This button is used to make any shortcut with the combination of any other keys.
Example - ctrl + z ⇾ undo
ctrl + y ⇾ redo
ctrl + a ⇾ select all
ctrl + s ⇾ save
➡️ esc :- It is used to cancel any command.
➡️ tab (⇄) :- To move control from one option to another.
➡️ alt + tab :- To move control from one window to another.
➡️ enter (↩️) :- It is used to done any action or command. It is also used to change the line of paragraph while typing.
➡️ home :- To move the cursor in the beginning of the current line.
➡️ end :- To move the cursor at the end of current line.
➡️ ctrl + home :- To move the cursor at the beginning of current document.
➡️ ctrl + end :- To move the cursor at the end of the current document.
➡️ space :- This button is used to add space between two words or strings.
➡️ caps lock :- This button is used to change the capitalization of characters or alphabets.
➡️ pg up :- This button is used to move page towards up.
➡️ pg dn:- This button is used to move page towards down.
➡️ delete :- To remove characters from right.
➡️ backspace :- To remove characters from left.
➡️ print screen :- To take a screenshot of your active window.
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