Computer hardware includes the physical, tangible parts of components of a computer, such as the cabinet, central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer data storage, graphics card, sound card, speaker and motherboard. By contrast, software is a instruction that can be stored and run by hardware.
- CPU ( Central Processing Unit )
➤ ALU ( Arithmetical & Logical Unit )
➤ MU ( Memory Unit )
➤ CU ( Control Unit )
- Peripheral Devices ( External Devices )
➤ Input Device
➤ Output Device
- CPU ( Central Processing Unit )
CPU is the microprocessor of our computer system.
➝ It is considered as brain of our computer system.
➝ It is the central that perform comparison, calculation, read and write and control the execution of the instruction provided.
The CPU have three different units ---
➤ ALU - It is used to perform all the calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It also take comparison and logical decisions such as <, >, < =, > =, =, ≠.
➤ CU - This unit supervise the operation of entire computer system. It select the program scattering from the memory unit and then transfer it to ALU for proper processing.
➤ MU - It is also called register. It store all the data which has been process and also store immediate result of processing.
The final results can be exist using output devices.
To be continued in the next post...☺
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